Welcome to the Berean Tracker support page

  Berean Tracker provides a fast and effective way to bookmark your place(s) while reading one chapter in each of the seven sections of the Bible per day. The reading plan is based on a concept presented by Chuck Missler in his Learn the Bible in 24 Hours series..

Reading at this pace will allow you to read the New Testament approximately 3 times per year and the Old Testament twice. When you reach the end of each section, simply start reading that section again.

As shown below, controls on the main screen allow you to easily advance one chapter at a time in each of the sections.

As shown below, Edit mode lets you rapidly set the chapter, which is useful when you are first starting out or finishing a section and want to start over.

As shown below, Settings allows integration with the Blue Letter Bible app to be optionally be enabled. This allows you to simply tap the chapter displayed in each section and have it automatically open in the Blue Letter Bible app.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What type of information do you collect about your users?
Answer: Nothing, Absolutely Nothing -- I plan on keeping it that way.

What type of information does your app store on my phone?
Answer: It stores 8 numbers. One is a 0 or 1 to indicate if Blue Letter Bible integration is enabled. The other 7 numbers are the chapter number of the Bible you are on in each section. That's it, a 0/1 and 7 numbers between 1 and 1189 (the number of chapters in the Bible).

How about keeping a history in your App?
Answer: I have thought about it, but Blue Letter Bible does a great job of that already, so I am not going to add it.